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Selected Current publications (for the full list, see Google Scholar

  1. Bergmann, D., Matarrita-Rodríguez, J.* and Abdulla, H., (2024). Toward a More Comprehensive Approach for Dissolved Organic Matter Chemical Characterization Using an Orbitrap Fusion Tribrid Mass Spectrometer Coupled with Ion and Liquid Chromatography Techniques. Analytical Chemistry. 96, 9, 3744–3753 

  2. S. Cabello-Pinedo, H. Abdulla, S. Mas, A. Fraire, B. Maroto, M. Seth-Smith, M. Escriba, J. Teruel, J. Crespo, S. Munné and  J. A. Horcajadas. (2024) Development of a Novel Non-invasive Metabolomics Assay to Predict Implantation Potential of Human Embryos. Reprod. Sci.

  3. Qiu, Y., Felix, J.D., Murgulet, D., Wetz, M. and Abdulla, H., 2024. Isotopic compositions of organic and inorganic nitrogen reveal processing and source dynamics at septic influenced and undeveloped estuary sites. Science of The Total Environment, 925, p.171749.

  4. Qiu, Y., Felix, J.D., Murgulet, D. and Abdulla, H., (2024). Determining organic nitrogen emission sources and secondary formations in an urban coastal airshed via stable isotope techniques. Environmental Pollution, 343, p.123152.

  5. Seymore, J., Felix, J.D., Abdulla, H., Bergmann, D.*, Campos, M.L.A. and Florêncio, J., (2023). Pandemic-Related Anthropogenic Influences on the Dissolved Organic Matter Chemical Character in São Paulo State Wet Deposition by Ultrahigh-Resolution Mass Spectrometry. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, 7(10), pp.1929-1946.

  6. Ramon, P., Bergmann, D., Abdulla, H., Sparks, J. and Omoruyi, F., (2023). Bioactive Ingredients in K. pinnata Extract and Synergistic Effects of Combined K. pinnata and Metformin Preparations on Antioxidant Activities in Diabetic and Non-Diabetic Skeletal Muscle Cells. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 24(7), p.6211.

  7. Douglas, A., Murgulet, D., Greige, M., Das, K., Felix, J.D. and Abdulla, H.A. (2022). Organic matter composition and inorganic nitrogen response to Hurricane Harvey's negative storm surge in Corpus Christi Bay, Texas. Front. Mar. Sci., 9, 961206.

  8. Huang, I.S., Hu, X., Abdulla, H. and Zimba, P.V. (2021). Effects of climate change on metabolite accumulation in freshwater and marine cyanobacteria. Climate Change Ecology, 2, p.100018.

  9. Douglas, A.R., Murgulet, D. and Abdulla, H.A. (2021). Impacts of hydroclimatic variability on surface water and porewater dissolved organic matter in a semi-arid estuary. Marine Chemistry, 235, p.104006.

  10. Chorazyczewski, A.M., Huang, I.S., Abdulla, H., Mayali, X. and Zimba, P.V. (2021). The influence of bacteria on the growth, lipid production, and extracellular metabolite accumulation by Phaeodactylum tricornutum (Bacillariophyceae). Journal of Phycology, 57(3), pp.931-940.

  11.  Steen, A.D., Kusch, S., Abdulla, H. A., Cakic, ́ N., Coffinet, S., Dittmar, T., Fulton, J.M., Galy, V., Hinrichs, K-U, Ingalls, A.E., Koch, B.P., Kujawinski, E., Liu, Z., Osterholz, H., Rush, D., Seidel, M., Sepúlveda, J. and Wakeham, S.G. (2021). Analytical and computational advances, opportunities, and challenges in marine organic biogeochemistry in an era of "omics". Front. Mar. Sci. 7:718. 

© 2024 by Hussain Abdulla.

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